Nearly a decade after occupation by an extraterrestrial force, the lives of a Chicago neighborhood on both sides of the conflict are explored. In a working-class Chicago neighborhood occupied by an alien force for nine years, increased surveillance and the restriction of civil rights have given rise to an authoritarian system -- and dissent among the populace.
Directed by: | Rupert Wyatt |
Written by: | Rupert Wyatt & Erica Beeney |
Release date: | 2019-03-15 |
Runtime: | 110 minutes |
Tagline: | 10 years ago, they took our planet. Today, we take it back! |
John Goodman
William Mulligan
William Mulligan
Ashton Sanders
Gabriel Drummond
Gabriel Drummond
Jonathan Majors
Rafe Drummond
Rafe Drummond
Vera Farmiga
Jane Doe
Jane Doe
Kevin Dunn
Police Chief Igoe
Police Chief Igoe
Kevin J. O'Connor
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Blu-rays, DVDs & more eBay affliate link Art of the Movies Buy posters on We may receive a small commission if you buy via on of these links.
Also known as:
- La rebelión
- Nación cautiva
- Битва за землю
- Земля в осаде