Gilberto, a young man from the countryside, arrives in the city with the aim of carving out a future for himself. Initially he is dazzled by the sparkling image of the city, the spoiler of civilization, which will batter him until his personality undergoes a radical change.

Directed by: Giancarlo Carrer
Written by: Sauro Scavolini & Giancarlo Carrer & Javier Guzmán
Release date: 1976-08-14
Runtime: 90 minutes
Tagline: Criminals are not born, they are made
Blanca Pereira Blanca Pereira
Luis Armando Tovar Luis Armando Tovar
Tito Aponte Tito Aponte
Lourdes León Lourdes León
Manuel Poblete Manuel Poblete
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Also known as:
  • A Tame Song for a Brave People
  • Una città fatta di rabbia