At an exclusive country club, an ambitious young caddy, Danny Noonan, eagerly pursues a caddy scholarship in hopes of attending college and, in turn, avoiding a job at the lumber yard. In order to succeed, he must first win the favour of the elitist Judge Smails, and then the caddy golf tournament which Smails sponsors.
Directed by: | Harold Ramis |
Written by: | Harold Ramis & Brian Doyle-Murray & Douglas Kenney |
Release date: | 1980-07-25 |
Runtime: | 98 minutes |
Critics score: |
Tagline: | Some people just don't belong. |
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Judge Smails
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Also known as:
- Caddyshack - Wahnsinn ohne Handicap
- Clube dos Pilantras - 1980
- El club de los chalados
- Los locos del golf