The story begins while Tommy Martin and his mother, Martha Martin say goodbye to Henry and Reuben Johnson. After having stopped by the Mennonite farm, where Tommy and Martha stay with the William and Annie Decker, the Johnsons are headed back to their hometown of Goshen. The balance of the film is concerned with both trying to get the necessary train fare and with Tommy clearing his name over a misunderstanding.
Directed by: | Edward F. Cline |
Written by: | Mary C. McCall, Jr. & Bernard Schubert & Manuel Seff |
Runtime: | 81 minutes |
Bobby Breen
Tommy Martin
Tommy Martin
Dolores Costello
Martha Martin
Martha Martin
Charles Ruggles
Sam Terwilliger
Sam Terwilliger
Irene Dare
Irene Dare
Irene Dare
Dorothy Peterson
Annie Decker
Annie Decker
Robert Barrat
William Decker
William Decker
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