Bør Børson Jr. 1938


The story tells of the many misadventures, some comical, and trials and tribulations that Bør Børson, Jr. has to go through and endure in proving himself a citizen worthy enough to marry the squire's daughter.

Directed by: Toralf Sandø
Written by: Toralf Sandø
Runtime: 102 minutes
Toralf Sandø
Toralf Sandø
Bør Børson 
Edvard Drabløs
Edvard Drabløs
Bør Olderdalen, 'Gammel bør' 
Emmy Worm-Müller
Emmy Worm-Müller
Hilda Torsøien 
Aasta Voss
Aasta Voss
Joachim Holst-Jensen
Joachim Holst-Jensen
Ole Elveplassen 
Kristian Hefte
Kristian Hefte
Nils Tollvollen