A popular American novelist, who has written her first non-fiction work about the political infidelities and corruption within the tiny South American country of San Hermoso, returns to that very country as part of a publicity junket prepared by her publishing company. Traveling with her best friend and confidant, she is abducted by a mysterious cartel that proves to be the secret police arm of the government. In order to win her freedom and to save her friend's life, she is forced to commit a murder that would be beneficial to San Hermoso's dictator. Will she be willing to trade a life for a life and pull the trigger to murder her unknown target in cold blood? Will the C.I.A. be able to reach her in time? Will she even survive?
Directed by: | Jesús Franco & Lina Romay |
Written by: | Kevin Collins & J. Douglas Wentworth |
Release date: | 2000-01-01 |
Runtime: | 90 minutes |

Maria Beltran


Serena Erwin

Beatriz Arenas

Greg Wise

Leonardo Radek

- Obietivo a ciégas