Big Daddy 1999

Critics score:
40 / 100

Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes

Susan Stark, Detroit News: Adam Sandler's sweetness just busts out all over. It's a wondrous thing to watch. Read more

Tom Maurstad, Dallas Morning News: Gratuitously gross and/or provocative humor. Read more

Janet Maslin, New York Times: A flimsy sentimental comedy with more product plugs and fewer laughs than might have been hoped for. Read more

Jeffrey Wells, Mr. Showbiz: Joey Lauren Adams smiles so damn much. It's like she's had this smile surgically sculpted onto her face, like Jack Nicholson's Joker in Batman. Read more

Lisa Alspector, Chicago Reader: This light yet earnest drama starring Adam Sandler deals openly with one of the most insidious elements in popular filmmaking -- the male screenwriter's relationship with his own father. Read more

Kenneth Turan, Los Angeles Times: There's no doubt Sandler is talented, but if he persists in believing that, like Elvis, his presence alone covers a multitude of omissions and inconsistencies, he will squander his gift and make a series of forgettable films in the process. Read more

Jeff Millar, Houston Chronicle: Funny-sweet, understand, not bleccchh sweet. Read more

Owen Gleiberman, Entertainment Weekly: Big Daddy doesn't generate a lot of big laughs. It has a throwaway sweetness, though. Read more

Rick Groen, Globe and Mail: How's this for a novel complaint: Big Daddy just isn't stupid enough. Read more

Peter Rainer, New York Magazine/Vulture: Adam Sandler's new comedy is being touted as a step forward for him, which I find funnier than anything in the movie. Read more

James Berardinelli, ReelViews: The film offers its share of big laughs, but the serious side is sunk by mawkishness and sentimentality. Read more

Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times: Big Daddy should be reported to the child welfare office. Read more

Mary Elizabeth Williams, The film's jokes, stretched out over 90 minutes, aren't that funny. Read more

Edward Guthmann, San Francisco Chronicle: Worst of all is the way Sandler wants to have it both ways: to muck around in gross-out humor one minute and then turn schmaltzy the next minute with some fraudulent business about how much he loves the kid. Read more

Time Out: This lightweight, bubblegum caper synthesises robust, physical humour, self-deprecation and witty one liners. The main problem, as with most other dumb boy pictures, is that the supporting characters are underwritten. Read more

Robert Koehler, Variety: Result is uneven; the story's more serious intentions often jar with the goofy sideshow. Read more

Michael Atkinson, Village Voice: There are tearful moments of orphan anxiety, with swelling score peaks you'd swear belong to the Julia Roberts movie playing next door. Read more

Desson Thomson, Washington Post: Dismal. Lame. Not funny. Read more