Bernard T. Ward's Popcorn Bag of Terror is a horror anthology that features 3 films Slice, I Heart Zombie and The Hat Man presented by your host of the evening Bernard T. Ward.

Directed by: Brian Edward Doyle & Kevin Orosz
Written by: Brian Edward Doyle & Kevin Orosz
Release date: 2016-04-03
Runtime: 106 minutes
Brandon Ascari Brandon Ascari
Dean / Hoyt / Norman Droese / Grunge Ninja Zombie 
Nick Aufiero Nick Aufiero
The Hat Man / Satan 
Perry Bigelow Perry Bigelow
Slice / The Unlucky Driver 
Cameron Chandler Cameron Chandler
I Heart Zombie / Gideon Solomon 
Chris Cowan Chris Cowan
Slice / Pizza Delivery Driver 
Matthew Cronin Matthew Cronin
Troy / The Hat Man