Set in 18th century France, a naive 17-year-old orphan named Benjamin is taken in by his wealthy aunt, the Countess de Valandry. There, he is seduced by a variety of women, including a few flirtatious maidservants and neighboring countesses who all want to be Benjamin's "first".

Directed by: Michel Deville
Written by: Michel Deville & Nina Companéez
Runtime: 103 minutes
Catherine Deneuve Catherine Deneuve
Anne de Clécy 
Michel Piccoli Michel Piccoli
Count Philippe 
Michèle Morgan Michèle Morgan
Comtesse Gabrielle de Valandry 
Pierre Clémenti Pierre Clémenti
Jacques Dufilho Jacques Dufilho
Jean Lefebvre Jean Lefebvre
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Also known as:
  • Benjamin, the Diary of a Virgin Boy
  • The Diary of an Innocent Boy