The fifth and final episode in the Planet of the Apes series. After the collapse of human civilization, a community of intelligent apes led by Caesar lives in harmony with a group of humans. Gorilla General Aldo tries to cause an ape civil war and a community of human mutants who live beneath a destroyed city try to conquer those whom they perceive as enemies. All leading to the finale.
Directed by: | J. Lee Thompson |
Written by: | John William Corrington & Joyce Hooper Corrington |
Release date: | 1973-06-15 |
Runtime: | 93 minutes |
Critics score: | |
Tagline: | The final chapter in the incredible Apes saga. The most suspenseful showdown ever filmed as two civilizations battle for the right to inherit what's left of the earth! |
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Blu-rays, DVDs & more eBay affliate link Art of the Movies Buy posters on We may receive a small commission if you buy via one of these links.
Also known as:
- Batalla por el planeta de los simios
- Bitwa o Planetę Małp
- La Planète des Singes 5: La bataille de la planète des singes
- Planet der Affen 5 - Schlacht um Planet der Affen
- הקרב על כוכב הקופים
- 最後の猿の惑星
- Planet of the Apes 5: Battle for the Planet of the Apes