Ollie Dee and Stannie Dum try to borrow money from their employer, the toymaker, to pay off the mortgage on Mother Peep's shoe and keep it and Little Bo Peep from the clutches of the evil Barnaby. When that fails, they trick Barnaby, enraging him.
Directed by: | Gus Meins & Charley Rogers |
Written by: | Nick Grindé & Frank Butler & Anna Alice Chapin |
Runtime: | 78 minutes |
Critics score: | |
Tagline: | 1½ hours of hilarious laughter! |
Related titles: |
Stan Laurel
Stannie Dum
Oliver Hardy
Ollie Dee
Henry Brandon
Silas Barnaby
Charlotte Henry
Little Bo Peep
Felix Knight
Tom-Tom Piper
Florence Roberts
The Widow Peep

Stannie Dum

Ollie Dee

Silas Barnaby

Little Bo Peep

Tom-Tom Piper

The Widow Peep
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Also known as:
- Rache ist süß
- Abenteuer im Spielzeugland
- Böse Buben im Wunderland
- Laurel & Hardy - Im Land des Lachens
- Laurel et Hardy - Un jour une bergère
- Dick und Doof - Abenteuer im Spielzeugland (1934)
- Laurel and Hardy in Toyland
- March of the Wooden Soldiers
- Revenge Is Sweet
- Wooden Soldiers