Critics score:
12 / 100

Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes

Neil Genzlinger, New York Times: It may not be classic sci-fi like the original Alien, which it has in its DNA, but it's a perfectly respectable next step in the series. Read more

Scott Tobias, AV Club: The door is left open for another sequel; if someone would kindly shut it and board it up, that would be much appreciated. Read more

Ty Burr, Boston Globe: The problems with the movie are twofold and easy to spot: the acting stinks and you can't understand what's going on. Read more

Mark Olsen, Los Angeles Times: The action is rendered with such disconcertingly low light levels -- and of course there is heavy rain for the climatic sequences -- that it can be a strain to simply see what is occurring on-screen. Then again, maybe that's for the best. Read more

Chris Nashawaty, Entertainment Weekly: Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem is a B movie that truly earns its B. Read more

Luke Y. Thompson, L.A. Weekly: Chopped down to 40 minutes, this could be a wickedly cool short; as is, it's a passable slasher that's still nowhere near the interspecies smackdown we geeks have long imagined. Read more

James Berardinelli, ReelViews: Ho, ho, ho -- the joke's on anyone who pays to see this. Read more

Jason Anderson, Globe and Mail: That the first of many rote 'chest-burster' shots occurs 15 seconds into the movie is but one indication of the latest instalment's poverty of fresh shocks and rank air of desperation. Read more

Nigel Floyd, Time Out: Scriptwriter Shane Salerno's dialogue is unspeakable, the visceral horror all too familiar, and the ideas distinctly second-hand. Read more

Joe Leydon, Variety: Occasionally, the filmmakers reveal a cheeky willingness to upend genre conventions, particularly when bending the rules regarding who lives and who dies in this sort of pic. Read more