Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes
Nathan Lee, New York Times: Set in dead-of-winter Minneapolis, a ready-made metaphor for (groan, shiver) the chill in Duncan's heart, the movie tells how life warms up when he goes to work at a nursing home. Read more
John Hartl, Seattle Times: Seems designed to reward Jackson with his biggest adult part to date, though it doesn't give the Vancouver, B.C., native a lot to work with. Read more
Wesley Morris, Boston Globe: Good Will Hunting but in the Midwest and minus the tortured math genius, psychological breakthroughs, and convincing local color. Read more
Kevin Crust, Los Angeles Times: Most successful in capturing the emotional elements of its story, the film relies on its excellent cast to balance out sketchily drawn characters and the unfortunate obviousness of its plot. Read more
Gregory Kirschling, Entertainment Weekly: The movie would be a quality guilty-gloopy pleasure if it weren't so deadly overlong. Read more
Scott Foundas, L.A. Weekly: Aurora Borealis -- yes, that title eventually comes home to roost -- doesn't offend in any way, but it's so self-consciously quaint, so unwaveringly 'nice,' that you nearly wish it did. Read more
Stephen Whitty, Newark Star-Ledger: Aurora Borealis is Duncan's story, and it's picked up some of his bad habits; like him, it's not sure what it wants to be. Read more
Elizabeth Weitzman, New York Daily News: The latest Dawson's Creek alumnus to break out of his WB bonds, Joshua Jackson proves himself all grown up in this sweetly scrappy indie. Read more
Andrew O'Hehir, Juliette Lewis makes Aurora Borealis into a funnier, richer, more powerful film than it has any reason to be. Read more
Neva Chonin, San Francisco Chronicle: Every bromide, plot twist and stock character arrives right on time and, to give director James Burke his due, function as well as they ever have. Read more