Critics score:
63 / 100

Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes

John DeFore, Hollywood Reporter: Blood-spattered crime comedy benefits from whip-smart pacing and quirky Scandinavian attitude. Read more

Ben Kenigsberg, New York Times: As an absurdist suspense film, "Jackpot" mostly hits its marks. As a comedy, it's less successful, stronger on sight gags than on the detective's sarcasm. Read more

Bruce Ingram, Chicago Sun-Times: Unabashedly derivative but nonetheless entertaining. Read more

Tom Huddleston, Time Out: Martens punctuates proceedings with moments of black humour and sudden, shocking violence, while the sheer frequency of twists, double-crosses and switchbacks keep the plot rattling along. Read more

Alissa Simon, Variety: In his sophomore feature, helmer Martens delivers on the promise he displayed in his debut, United, creating a stylish and pacey action-comedy full of spot-on performances, inspired but gruesome gags, with crack comic timing and barbed dialogue. Read more

Calum Marsh, Village Voice: Certainly, a lot of blood is spilled in the name of laughs. There's only one problem with its broad attempts at grotesque comedy: Jackpot simply isn't funny. Read more