The story follows Arion, a young man kidnapped by Hades as a child and raised to believe that his mother was blinded by Zeus and that killing the ruler of Mount Olympus will cure her.
Directed by: | Yoshikazu Yasuhiko |
Written by: | Yoshikazu Yasuhiko & Akiko Tanaka |
Release date: | 1986-03-15 |
Runtime: | 119 minutes |
Tagline: | Let the Gods beware! |
Shigeru Nakahara
Arion (voice)
Arion (voice)
Miki Takahashi
Resphoina (vioce)
Resphoina (vioce)
Mayumi Tanaka
Seneca (voice)
Seneca (voice)
Hirotaka Suzuoki
Apollon (voice)
Apollon (voice)
Bin Shimada
Ares (voice)
Ares (voice)
Masako Katsuki
Athena (voice)
Athena (voice)
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Blu-rays, DVDs & more eBay affliate link Art of the Movies Buy posters on We may receive a small commission if you buy via on of these links.
Also known as:
- Neo Heroic Fantasia Arion
- アリオン:1986
- ネオ・ヒロイック・ファンタジア アリオン