Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theatres 2007

Critics score:
48 / 100

Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes

Tom Keogh, Seattle Times: For a production that is so dialogue-rich (and profane -- this is not for kids), Aqua Teen is also visually arresting in its desultory, whatever-sticks-to-the-wall grottiness. Read more

Eric Gwinn, Chicago Tribune: In short bursts of late-night TV, ATHF is cramp-inducingly funny. Stretched over 87 minutes, it's too much to bear. Fast food cures the munchies but makes for a terrible diet. Read more

J. R. Jones, Chicago Reader: Aqua Teen Hunger Force tends toward arch silliness more than actual humor, a formula that's tolerable enough in 15-minute tube installments but deadly dull in this 86-minute feature. Read more

Peter Hartlaub, San Francisco Chronicle: Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters is difficult to recommend, without first knowing the sobriety of the viewer. Read more

Bob Townsend, Atlanta Journal-Constitution: The big question for fans is does Aqua Teen Hunger Force have enough gags and giggles to translate to 86 minutes on the big screen? And the answer is ... yeah, sort of, well, maybe. ... Read more

Nathan Rabin, AV Club: Its absurdist scenarios serve as little more than a ramshackle frame for bizarre non sequiturs, stoned pop-culture riffing, and some of the weirdest gags ever to make it into a studio-released film. Read more

Randy Cordova, Arizona Republic: If you're not among the Aqua Teen hard core, the aggressive dumbness wears out its welcome about five minutes after the lights go down. Read more

Ty Burr, Boston Globe: It's inconsequential, potty-mouthed, extremely silly, and -- the worst sin of all -- dead boring. Read more

Sam Adams, Los Angeles Times: A little of this junk-drawer fusillade goes a long way. It would have been interesting to see Maiellaro and Willis up the ante for their big-screen outing, rather than simply riffing at greater length. Read more

Michael Booth, Denver Post: Fans of Aqua Teen who couldn't wait for the next TV season? You'll likely love it. The uninitiated? It would be a lot cheaper to watch five minutes of the Cartoon Network. Save your money for some higher-quality, nonanimated fast food. Read more

Scott Brown, Entertainment Weekly: The plot can't be summarized: Let's just say that crazy s--- happens, and occasionally, you laugh. Read more

John Monaghan, Detroit Free Press: The movie is warped, to be sure, but even fans will have to admit that the laughs are stretched pretty thin over nearly 90 minutes. Read more

Tom Maurstad, Dallas Morning News: Fittingly, the sequences when the movie actually tries to tell a story are when things bog down and fall apart. Much better is when the movie stops trying to make sense and just lets the pop-art absurdities fly. Read more

Scott Foundas, L.A. Weekly: If that doesn't sound like your cup of soda, it probably isn't, and even Aqua Teen aficionados may find that, like fast-food itself, the demented brainchildren of co-creators Matt Maiellaro and Dave Willis work best when consumed in small portions. Read more

Christy Lemire, Associated Press: You have to give these guys this much: They remained true to their twisted vision, and that's exciting to see. Read more

Jan Stuart, Newsday: By the end, you may feel as if you've been ballroom dancing with a live, exposed electric guitar cord for an hour and a half. At peak performance, it's wired, chaotic madness. Read more

Lisa Rose, Newark Star-Ledger: It's one thing to catch Aqua Teen in 15-minute increments on TV, but sitting through a feature-length onslaught is an endurance test even for devoted viewers. Read more

Elizabeth Weitzman, New York Daily News: So insane it approaches a sort of mad brilliance, this full-length Cartoon Network spinoff must have been made with chemical enhancement in mind. Enter with a clear head at your own risk. Read more

Kyle Smith, New York Post: The big-screen version of the demented Cartoon Network hit is often hilarious and always surreal. Read more

Roger Moore, Orlando Sentinel: To think we laughed at Boston. Then. They knew a bomb when they saw one. Read more

Dan DeLuca, Philadelphia Inquirer: Daringly and surprisingly successfully attempts to hold viewers' interest in the (barely) animated triumvirate of Frylock, Master Shake and Meatwad for six times the length of a normal episode. Read more

Stephanie Zacharek, Aqua Teen Hunger Force is clearly designed to appeal to fans of the show. For the rest of us, its appeal may be something of a stretch. Read more

Dana Stevens, Slate: ATHF can seem brilliantly deconstructive one moment and stupefyingly boring the next -- or to provide a more accurate ratio, it can follow five brilliant seconds with five straight minutes of boredom. Read more

Mark Holcomb, Time Out: Its running time painfully accentuates the premise's thinness. Read more

Claudia Puig, USA Today: Offers occasional laughs amid a jumble of pop-culture references. Despite its Borat-esque title, don't expect a coherent plot. Read more

Dennis Harvey, Variety: This feature-length expansion offers a diverting package of surreal, rude stoner- and pop culture-based humor that will delight youthful viewers while bewildering stray elders. Read more

Robert Wilonsky, Village Voice: Narrative's beside the point in a movie created by two guys who gorge on pop culture's high-fat diet and regurgitate it into something approaching . . . art? Close enough. Read more

Stephen Hunter, Washington Post: Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters is a work of either a profoundly transgressive genius or a goofball high on Pez and patio sealant. Read more