Stoic and heartbroken, Einar Gilkyson quietly lives in the rugged Wyoming ranchlands alongside his only trusted friend, Mitch Bradley. One day, the woman he blames for the death of his only son arrives at his door broke, desperate and with a granddaughter he's never known. But even as buried anger and accusations resurface, the way is opened for unexpected connection, adventure and forgiveness.

Directed by: Lasse Hallström
Written by: Virginia Korus Spragg & Mark Spragg
Release date: 2005-09-09
Runtime: 108 minutes
Critics score:
Tagline: Every secret takes on a life of its own.
Robert Redford Robert Redford
Einar Gilkyson 
Morgan Freeman Morgan Freeman
Mitch Bradley 
Josh Lucas Josh Lucas
Crane Curtis 
Damian Lewis Damian Lewis
Gary Winston 
Jennifer Lopez Jennifer Lopez
Jean Gilkyson 
Becca Gardner Becca Gardner
Griff Gilkyson 
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Also known as:
  • Ticho po smrti
  • Αγεφύρωτες Σχέσεις