In an Italian seaside town, young Titta gets into trouble with his friends and watches various local eccentrics as they engage in often absurd behavior. Frequently clashing with his stern father and defended by his doting mother, Titta witnesses the actions of a wide range of characters, from his extended family to Fascist loyalists to sensual women, with certain moments shifting into fantastical scenarios.
Directed by: | Federico Fellini |
Written by: | Federico Fellini & Tonino Guerra |
Release date: | 1973-12-18 |
Runtime: | 123 minutes |
Critics score: |
Tagline: | The Fantastic World of Fellini! |
Bruno Zanin
Titta Biondi
Titta Biondi
Armando Brancia
Aurelio Biondi
Aurelio Biondi
Pupella Maggio
Miranda Biondi
Miranda Biondi
Giuseppe Ianigro
Titta's Grandfather
Titta's Grandfather
Nando Orfei
Stefano Proietti
Oliva, il fratello di Titta
Oliva, il fratello di Titta
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Also known as:
- Fellinis Amarcord
- I Remember
- Θυμάμαι
- 나는 기억한다
- 아마코드