Critics score:
12 / 100

Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes

Kathleen Murphy, MSN Movies: Eighty-seven minutes, the duration of this auditory assault, would be sufficient to slaughter every brain cell and induce blithering idiocy. Read more

Neil Genzlinger, New York Times: There is chipmunk gambling. There is seductive dancing by Chipettes wearing only towels. There is a musical gag involving the lyric "whip my tail back and forth." Read more

Tom Keogh, Seattle Times: In the end, I'd rather hang onto fond memories of my Eisenhower-era record, squeaky voices and all. Read more

AV Club: Read more

Nathan Rabin, AV Club: Even by the exceedingly lenient standards of second sequels to terrible kids' films, Chipwrecked feels particularly arbitrary and devoid of inspiration. Read more

Kerry Lengel, Arizona Republic: In between the cutesy musical covers (from the Go-Go's to Lady Gaga), the young rodents engage in harmless slapstick and even learn a bit about themselves. Read more

Jake Coyle, Associated Press: Puns like these would be unforgivable coming from a human. From high-pitched rodents, they prompt calls for an exterminator. Read more

Joel Brown, Boston Globe: You know there is something wrong with a movie when even David Cross in a giant pelican suit isn't funny. Read more

Adam Markovitz, Entertainment Weekly: Good news: The shrill CG rodents, who last infested theaters in 2009's Squeakquel, are stranded on a jungle island with little hope of survival. Bad news: They've brought us along. Read more

Michael Rechtshaffen, Hollywood Reporter: Well, at least it isn't in 3D. Read more

Betsy Sharkey, Los Angeles Times: If only they were truly stranded on that desert island... Read more

Joe Neumaier, New York Daily News: Either the "Alvin and the Chipmunks" movies are getting better, or I've accidentally buried my brain for the winter. Read more

Lou Lumenick, New York Post: You usually have to go to an Adam Sandler movie, or the Quad Cinema, to see something as incompetently made as "Alvin and the Chipmunks.'' Read more

Peter Hartlaub, San Francisco Chronicle: It's an uninspired and instantly forgettable film. But it completely succeeds by its own standards: an 87-minute rainy-day distraction that will probably make a zillion dollars. Read more

Nell Minow, Chicago Sun-Times: For kids, familiarity, silliness and Dave's unconditional love make it appealing. For adults, the best it has to offer are nostalgia and a running time under 90 minutes. Read more

Jennie Punter, Globe and Mail: The obvious nods to Castaway, Lost and other pop culture references are barely worth a grin. Read more

Derek Adams, Time Out: To be fair, this franchise was never intended to appeal to anyone over six. But you do wonder how the filmmakers still managed to contrive something so unfunny and trite. Read more

Linda Barnard, Toronto Star: 87 minutes of high-pitched singing, shenanigans, bad behaviour and family bonding, enlivened by a decent Sarah Palin joke. Read more

Claudia Puig, USA Today: Maybe for the next installment, they can go off to college and find something better to do than making these silly movies. Read more

John Anderson, Variety: Largely inoffensive but equally unimaginative. Read more

Nick Schager, Village Voice: Flails about in search of a creative reason to exist. Read more

Sean O'Connell, Washington Post: "Chipwrecked" serves up more of the derivative chaos that floats this franchise's boat. Read more