All You Can Eat Buddha 2018


At the Palacio, an all-inclusive resort in the carribean, Mike's arrival complicates the normal flow of operations. His voracious appetite, mysterious magnetism and unexpected miracles bring him the curious, among which he makes three friends and meeets a few admirers, a jealous salsa teacher and an enamored octopus. All of whom will accompany him in a gargantuan downward spiral mixing civil unrest and intestinal meltdown; a change of administration held up by the most attentive staff in the world.

Directed by: Ian Lagarde
Written by: Ian Lagarde
Release date: 2018-01-26
Runtime: 88 minutes
Yaité Ruiz
Yaité Ruiz
David La Haye
David La Haye
Jean-Pierre Villeneuve / J-P Newtown 
Sylvio Arriola
Sylvio Arriola
Daydi Diaz Cabrera
Daydi Diaz Cabrera
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Also known as:
  • All You Can Eat Bouddha: Le meilleur des séjours