Critics score:
31 / 100

Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes

Mike Hale, New York Times: Basically a tweener cable movie on steroids, with a bigger budget and a larger cast of B-list character actors. Read more

Shauna Cagan, Time Out: Jenkins is a bit too McDreamy to play the geeky underdog, and adult viewers will be nostalgic for the chubby, bucktoothed and truly dorky cast of The Goonies. Read more

Tasha Robinson, AV Club: Like those mild old Disney comedies of the '60s and '70s, it seems perfectly content with being a harmless distraction. Read more

Ty Burr, Boston Globe: It appears designed for families who never leave the mall. Read more

Adam Markovitz, Entertainment Weekly: The ensuing war of the worlds is waged with weapons as fearsome as a bubble blower, a skateboard, and a sort of anti-gravity grenade that, frankly, looks like a lot of fun. Read more

Glenn Whipp, Los Angeles Times: The extraterrestrials get title billing but Hoffman steals the show. Read more

Stephen Whitty, Newark Star-Ledger: Unfortunately the child actors aren't particularly engaging, and the gags aren't entirely fresh. Read more

Roger Moore, Orlando Sentinel: Stupid movie, right? But kid-friendly. Read more

Peter Hartlaub, San Francisco Chronicle: It's doubtful that many people will be asking for their money back after seeing this movie. But they won't be remembering too much about it 24 hours later, either. Read more

Linda Barnard, Toronto Star: A forgettable bit of fluff that will zip out of your orbit as soon as the credits roll. Read more

Ben Kenigsberg, Time Out: Read more

Tom Huddlestone, Time Out: Fleeting charms are largely outweighed by an unexceptional script, a brace of shabby performances (from both kids and adults) and some dismal CG effects. Read more

Joe Leydon, Variety: Aliens in the Attic is so thinly written by Mark Burton and Adam F. Goldberg that the characters are defined entirely by the actors playing them (or, in the case of the f/x-spawned aliens, voicing them). Read more