Alicia en el país de María 2014


Tonatiuh and Maria experience a passionate and turbulent relationship. One night, in the heat of an argument, they suffer a dramatic automobile accident. Tonatiuh is left in a coma, where he sees Alicia, his nurse, including her in his dreams about Maria. Time later, Alicia has an accident and suffers amnesia while Tonatiuh wakes up. One year later, Tonatiuh and Alicia meet and an impossible love arouses from oblivion, haunted by the ghost of Maria's memories.

Directed by: Jesús Magaña Vázquez
Written by: Jesús Magaña Vázquez & Fernando del Razo & Rafael Gaytán
Release date: 2014-10-14
Runtime: 82 minutes
Tagline: He already meet the woman of his dreams, but now he has to wake up.
Bárbara Mori
Bárbara Mori
Stephanie Sigman
Stephanie Sigman
Claudio Lafarga
Claudio Lafarga
Osvaldo de León
Osvaldo de León
Man with Alicia 
Lila Avilés
Lila Avilés
Woman at the Bar 
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Also known as:
  • Alice in Marialand