Ramón y Socorro, a 50-year-old couple, owners of a tavern, embarks on a long trip to Mexico to attend the wedding of their son, Carlos, with Gloria, the daughter of an important Mexican businessman. Upon arriving in Mexico, Ramón discovers that in this country there is a divorce. Fed up with his wife, he decides to divorce without taking into account that he will soon pay the consequences of this act.

Directed by: Pedro Lazaga Sabater
Written by: Pedro Pérez Fernández
Release date: 1976-05-26
Runtime: 98 minutes
Paco Martínez Soria Paco Martínez Soria
Ramón Pozuelo 
Florinda Chico Florinda Chico
Socorro Velilla 
Pancho Córdova Pancho Córdova
Don Felipe Aguirre 
Norma Lazareno Norma Lazareno
Gloria Aguirre 
Fernando Luján Fernando Luján
Carlos Pozuelo