Critics score:
8 / 100

Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes

Geoff Berkshire, Variety: Billed as an erotic thriller but playing more like an R-rated daytime soap, "Addicted" marks a rare but dramatically neutered opportunity to explore a black woman's sexuality onscreen. Read more

Jesse Hassenger, AV Club: Woodruff's direction is smooth enough on a technical level, but the film's storytelling has little dimension, even for a melodrama. Read more

Frank Scheck, Hollywood Reporter: The film unfortunately depicts black female sexuality, a topic rarely portrayed onscreen, with all the depth and subtlety of a late night Cinemax offering. Read more

Gary Goldstein, Los Angeles Times: "Addicted" doesn't know whether it wants to be a modern-day bodice-ripper, a morality-tinged cautionary tale or a serious snapshot of sexual compulsion. Whatever the case, it fails on all fronts. Read more

Nicole Herrington, New York Times: The actors are uniformly handsome and mostly serviceable, though the same can't be said about the filmmaking or the writing. Read more

James Rocchi, TheWrap: "Addicted" doesn't fail because it wants to provide steamy, soapy melodrama to a mainstream audience; its faults are a function of its judgment, not of its genre ... more Cinemax than cinematic. Read more

Michael O'Sullivan, Washington Post: Watching "Addicted" is like eating Cheese Whiz straight from the jar. There's no nutritional value. It's kind of embarrassing. But it does satisfy a base craving for cheap, immediate sensation. Read more