A musical adaptation of Colin MacInnes' novel about life in late 1950s London. Nineteen-year-old photographer Colin is hopelessly in love with model Crepe Suzette, but her relationships are strictly connected with her progress in the fashion world. So Colin gets involved with a pop promoter and tries to crack the big time. Meanwhile, racial tension is brewing in Colin's Notting Hill housing estate...

Directed by: Julien Temple
Written by: Don MacPherson & Christopher Wicking & Richard Burridge
Release date: 1986-04-04
Runtime: 108 minutes
Critics score:
Tagline: Welcome to the world of your dreams!
David Bowie David Bowie
Vendice Partners 
James Fox James Fox
Henley of Mayfair, Dressmaker to the Queen 
Patsy Kensit Patsy Kensit
Steven Berkoff Steven Berkoff
The Fanatic 
Robbie Coltrane Robbie Coltrane
Gary Beadle Gary Beadle
Johnny Wonder 
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Also known as:
  • Absolute Beginners - Junge Helden