A cheerful yet serious Indonesian Romeo and Juliet. A boy and a girl from the same district, but with difficult childhoods and other reasons not to acknowledge their love. Through the colourful and musical retro style - the 1970s came late to Indonesia - shines a chaotic political and social era.

Directed by: Garin Nugroho
Release date: 2016-02-04
Runtime: 85 minutes
Pevita Pearce Pevita Pearce
Nova Eliza Nova Eliza
Rumi's Mom 
Annisa Hertami Annisa Hertami
Yulia's Mom 
Joko Kamto Joko Kamto
Rumi's Dad 
Bima Azriel Bima Azriel
Young Rumi 
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Also known as:
  • Chaotic Love Poems