Stephanie, a dedicated mother and popular vlogger, befriends Emily, a mysterious upper-class woman whose son Nicky attends the same school as Miles, Stephanie's son. When Emily asks her to pick Nicky up from school and then disappears, Stephanie undertakes an investigation that will dive deep into Emily's cloudy past.
Directed by: | Paul Feig |
Written by: | Paul Feig & Jessica Sharzer |
Release date: | 2018-08-29 |
Runtime: | 117 minutes |
Tagline: | Can you keep a secret? |
Anna Kendrick
Stephanie Smothers
Stephanie Smothers
Blake Lively
Emily Nelson
Emily Nelson
Henry Golding
Sean Townsend
Sean Townsend
Rupert Friend
Dennis Nylon
Dennis Nylon
Linda Cardellini
Diana Hyland
Diana Hyland
Bashir Salahuddin
Detective Summervile
Detective Summervile
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Blu-rays, DVDs & more eBay affliate link Art of the Movies Buy posters on We may receive a small commission if you buy via on of these links.
Also known as:
- Nur ein kleiner Gefallen
- 부탁하나만들어줘