Nora Helmer lives a quiet life with her husband, Torvald, in a small Norwegian town. While he works diligently at a bank, she looks after their children. But Torvald doesn't know that several years ago, when he was very ill and she was desperate for money, Nora forged a loan document and has been secretly working to pay the money back ever since. The arrival of her friend Kristine prompts Nora to re-evaluate her life and confront Torvald.
Directed by: | Joseph Losey |
Written by: | David Mercer & Michael Meyer |
Release date: | 1973-08-16 |
Runtime: | 106 minutes |
Jane Fonda
Nora Helmer
Nora Helmer
David Warner
Torvald Helmer
Torvald Helmer
Edward Fox
Nils Krogstad
Nils Krogstad
Trevor Howard
Dr. Rank
Dr. Rank
Delphine Seyrig
Kristine Linde
Kristine Linde
Anna Wing
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