4N1K 2017


A teen tomboy has to choose between her best friends and the new boy in her life, but what happens when one of the dudes fall for her?

Directed by: Deniz Coşkun
Written by: Deniz Coşkun
Release date: 2017-05-12
Runtime: 98 minutes
Gözde Mutluer
Gözde Mutluer
Yaprak Ayvaz 
Burak Yörük
Burak Yörük
Barış Ozansoy 
Hasan Denizyaran
Hasan Denizyaran
Ali Tekelioğlu 
Sina Özer
Sina Özer
Gökhan Karademir 
Cemrehan Karakaş
Cemrehan Karakaş
Oğuz Ünal 
Cihan Şimşek
Cihan Şimşek
Sinan Yorulmaz 
IMDb 4N1K movie stills
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