Movies released in 1942

On this page you can browse all the movies released in 1942 we have images for. If you are looking for a specific title, please use the search box on the top of the page. You can also browse by release year:

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The Impatient Patient
1942 - 2 posters
El paciente impaciente
Mam'zelle Bonaparte
1942 - 2 posters
La signorina Buonaparte
Mademoiselle Bonaparte
Mamsell Bonaparte
Pension Jonas
1942 - 1 posters
À vos ordres, Madame
1942 - 2 posters
At Your Command, Madam
Le bienfaiteur
1942 - 2 posters
The Benefactor
La femme que j'ai le plus aimée
1942 - 4 posters
The Woman I Loved the Most
La loi du printemps
1942 - 1 posters
The Law of Spring
1942 - 1 posters
Der 5. Juni
1942 - 1 posters
Einer unter Millionen
Native Land
1942 - 2 posters
Westward Ho
1942 - 2 posters
1942 - 2 posters
1942 - 2 posters
Sekretar raykoma
1942 - 5 posters
The District Secretary
We Will Come Back
Секретарь райкома
1942 - 2 posters
A Estrada que Conduz ao Céu
Droga do nieba
Et Spil om en Vej - der til Himlen gaar
La cena delle beffe
1942 - 3 posters
A Farsa Trágica
La farce tragique
O pyrgos tis Florentias
Emberek a havason
1942 - 2 posters
Men on the Mountain
People of the Mountains
People on the Alps
What's the Matador?
1942 - 1 posters
A la lima y al limón
1942 - 1 posters
Retour au bonheur
1942 - 1 posters
L'enfant dans la tourmente
Ek Raat
1942 - 1 posters
One Night
Bharat Milap
1942 - 1 posters
La guerra gaucha
1942 - 1 posters
The Gaucho War
A Yank in Libya
1942 - 4 posters
Pardon My Stripes
1942 - 1 posters
North to the Klondike
1942 - 1 posters
Soyez les bienvenus
1942 - 2 posters
Tumbleweed Trail
1942 - 1 posters
1942 - 1 posters
Ewiger Rembrandt
Vie privée
1942 - 2 posters
Yego zovut Sukhe-Bator
1942 - 2 posters
His Name Is Sukhe-Bator
Nevinost bez zastite
1942 - 1 posters
Innocence Unprotected
El hombre que se quiso matar
1942 - 2 posters
Don Cesare di Bazan
1942 - 2 posters
Sein Sohn
1942 - 2 posters
Inferno giallo
1942 - 1 posters
Girls' Town
1942 - 1 posters
1942 - 2 posters
Yes, Ma'am
Vi kunde ha' det saa rart
1942 - 1 posters
Vi kunne ha' det saa rart
1942 - 1 posters
Miss V from Moscow
1942 - 2 posters
Frisco Lil
1942 - 2 posters
For the Common Defense!
1942 - 1 posters
1942 - 1 posters
1942 - 1 posters
Mamnou'a el hub
1942 - 2 posters
Love Is Forbidden
Ali Baba wa al arbain harame
1942 - 1 posters
Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
Ali Baba wel Arba'in Haramy
علي بابا والأربعين حرامي
C'è un fantasma nel castello
1942 - 1 posters
O stoiheiomenos pyrgos
Lyckan kommer
1942 - 1 posters
Happiness Is on Its Way
Le lit à colonnes
1942 - 3 posters
The Four-Poster Bed