Beautiful Relics 2014
The Power of Three 2011
The Kid 2010
"Lady Chatterley" 1993
Hear My Song 1991
The Rachel Papers 1989
Getting It Right 1989
Shag 1989
Hell Is Empty 1967
Alfie 1966
Doctor in Clover 1966
Marcia nuziale 1966
Kings of the Sun 1963
The Damned 1962
The War Lover 1962
Lunch Hour 1962
Man in the Moon 1960
Beat Girl 1960
The Entertainer 1960
Peeping Tom 1960
And the Same to You 1960
The Flesh Is Weak 1957
The Good Companions 1957
The Weapon 1956
Lost 1956
All for Mary 1955
Simon and Laura 1955