Flamingo Road 1949
The Far Frontier 1948
Silver Trails 1948
Dead Men Walk 1943
Perils of Nyoka 1942
The Mad Monster 1942
South of Santa Fe 1942
Arizona Cyclone 1941
Paper Bullets 1941
Desert Bandit 1941
High Sierra 1941
Castle on the Hudson 1940
Missing Evidence 1939
The Spellbinder 1939
The Great Man Votes 1939
I Stand Accused 1938
Sky Giant 1938
Marked Woman 1937
John Meade's Woman 1937
Stolen Holiday 1937
Beloved Enemy 1936
Beware of Ladies 1936
Spendthrift 1936
Roaming Lady 1936
The Walking Dead 1936
Frisco Kid 1935
Special Agent 1935
The Misleading Lady 1932
The Cheat 1931