Trim 2010
Rocky V 1990
Death House 1988
The Under Achievers 1988
American Anthem 1986
Rocky IV 1985
R.S.V.P. 1984
Sweet Sixteen 1983
Night Shift 1982
Dead & Buried 1981
Graduation Day 1981
Raise the Titanic 1980
The Glove 1979
The Last Word 1979
The Onion Field 1979
Love at First Bite 1979
Up Yours 1979
Superdome 1978
Dracula's Dog 1977
Cinderella 1977
Airport '77 1977
The Call of the Wild 1976
Carnal Madness 1975
The Bat People 1974
Little Cigars 1973
The Baby 1973
The Black Bunch 1973
A Man for Hanging 1972
The Dirt Gang 1972
Grave of the Vampire 1972
The Pink Angels 1971
They Call It Murder 1971
Brute Corps 1971
Dream No Evil 1970
Easy Rider 1969
Five the Hard Way 1969