War Requiem 1989
"Peter the Great" 1986
Wild Geese II 1985
The Bounty 1984
The Ebony Tower 1984
The Jigsaw Man 1983
King Lear 1983
Inchon 1981
Wagner 1983
Clash of the Titans 1981
The Jazz Singer 1980
Dracula 1979
A Little Romance 1979
The Boys from Brazil 1978
The Betsy 1978
Daphne Laureola 1978
A Bridge Too Far 1977
"Jesus of Nazareth" 1977
Marathon Man 1976
Love Among the Ruins 1975
The Rehearsal 1974
Sleuth 1972
Lady Caroline Lamb 1972
Three Sisters 1970
David Copperfield 1969
Battle of Britain 1969
Male of the Species 1969
Khartoum 1966
Othello 1965
Term of Trial 1962
Spartacus 1960
The Entertainer 1960
The Devil's Disciple 1959
Richard III 1955
The Beggar's Opera 1953
Carrie 1952
The Magic Box 1952
Hamlet 1948
The Demi-Paradise 1943
49th Parallel 1941
That Hamilton Woman 1941
Pride and Prejudice 1940
Rebecca 1940
21 Days 1940
Wuthering Heights 1939
Q Planes 1939
Fire Over England 1937
Conquest of the Air 1936
As You Like It 1936
Moscow Nights 1935
Westward Passage 1932
The Yellow Ticket 1931
Friends and Lovers 1931