Going Home 2000
Magnolia 1999
Beloved 1998
Heartwood 1998
A Thousand Acres 1997
Journey 1995
The Enemy Within 1994
Little Big League 1994
The Paper 1994
Philadelphia 1993
Heidi 1993
The Trial 1993
Storyville 1992
When It Was a Game 1991
The Perfect Tribute 1991
Quick Change 1990
"The Civil War" 1990
Black Rainbow 1989
Parenthood 1989
Reunion 1989
Dream a Little Dream 1989
The Good Mother 1988
Laguna Heat 1987
Square Dance 1987
The Long Hot Summer 1985
The Day After 1983
Max Dugan Returns 1983
Melvin and Howard 1980
Raise the Titanic 1980
Caboblanco 1980
Hurricane 1979
Comes a Horseman 1978
Julia 1977
Mr. Sycamore 1975
A Boy and His Dog 1975
Johnny Got His Gun 1971
Fools 1970
Julius Caesar 1970
Tora! Tora! Tora! 1970
Isadora 1968
Hour of the Gun 1967
Any Wednesday 1966
A Thousand Clowns 1965
Act One 1963
Tender Is the Night 1962
By Love Possessed 1961
The Iceman Cometh 1960
The Journey 1959