13 Sins 2014
Funny People 2009
Corporate Affairs 2008
A Rumor of Angels 2000
Big Eden 2000
The Omega Code 1999
Nick and Jane 1997
Gospa 1995
The Mighty Ducks 1992
The End of Innocence 1990
To My Daughter 1990
My Name Is Bill W. 1989
Cousins 1989
Shootdown 1988
Best Seller 1987
Uncle Tom's Cabin 1987
Blind Date 1987
"Max Headroom" 1987
Blood & Orchids 1986
Head Office 1985
Micki + Maude 1984
A Flash of Green 1984
Sessions 1983
Rage of Angels 1983
The Entity 1982
Drop-Out Father 1982
Dreams Don't Die 1982
The Amateur 1981
Bustin' Loose 1981
The First Deadly Sin 1980
Kramer vs. Kramer 1979
French Postcards 1979
The Stepford Wives 1975