So Big 1953
Fighting Back 1948
The Unfaithful 1947
The Pilgrim Lady 1947
Junior Miss 1945
Fashion Model 1945
Get Hep to Love 1942
Sunset on the Desert 1942
Sierra Sue 1941
Men with Steel Faces 1940
City of Chance 1940
Submarine Patrol 1938
Woman Against Woman 1938
Topper 1937
Slave Ship 1937
Early to Bed 1936
The Daring Young Man 1935
The Phantom Empire 1935
I've Been Around 1935
Bright Eyes 1934
6 Day Bike Rider 1934
Servants' Entrance 1934
Sons of the Desert 1933
Devil and the Deep 1932
Arm of the Law 1932
The Devil Plays 1931
Convicted 1931
Night Life in Reno 1931
Gold Dust Gertie 1931
Big Business Girl 1931
King of the Wild 1931
Big Money 1930
The Playboy of Paris 1930
Extravagance 1930
So This Is London 1930