Mirrormask 2005
Apartment Zero 1989
Screamtime 1983
Hands of the Ripper 1971
Two a Penny 1967
The Sandwich Man 1966
A Taste of Honey 1961
Follow That Horse! 1960
Operation Bullshine 1959
Desert Mice 1959
Carry on Sergeant 1958
The Green Man 1956
Child in the House 1956
You Lucky People 1955
Mad About Men 1954
The Crowded Day 1954
Fast and Loose 1954
The Intruder 1953
The Fake 1953
Street Corner 1953
Women of Twilight 1953
The Ringer 1952
Miss Robin Hood 1952
Gift Horse 1952
High Treason 1951
No Highway 1951
Scarlet Thread 1951
Circle of Danger 1951
The Quiet Woman 1951
Traveller's Joy 1950
No Trace 1950
The Blue Lamp 1950
The Perfect Woman 1949
Once Upon a Dream 1949
No Room at the Inn 1948
The Fallen Idol 1948