Shadowheart 2009
Life Blood 2009
One-Eyed Monster 2008
Black Crescent Moon 2008
Your Name Here 2008
Annapolis 2006
The Kid And I 2005
Suits on the Loose 2005
Fielder's Choice 2005
Lords of Dogtown 2005
DinoCroc 2004
Extreme Honor 2001
Down 'n Dirty 2001
Nutty Professor 2 2000
The Big Tease 1999
Pirates of the Plain 1999
The Hunter's Moon 1999
Second Chances 1998
Armstrong 1998
Steel 1997
Macon County Jail 1997
Alien Species 1998
The Cable Guy 1996
Original Gangstas 1996
Hard Justice 1995
Jury Duty 1995
3 Ninjas Knuckle Up 1995
Ballistic 1995
Ripper Man 1995
"The Critic" 1995
Felony 1994
Savage Land 1994
Jailbreakers 1994
Silk Degrees 1994
Raw Justice 1994
Body Shot 1994
Philadelphia 1993
Skeeter 1993
Body Bags 1993
Loaded Weapon 1993
Frogtown II 1992
Center of the Web 1992
Treacherous Crossing 1992
Killer Instinct 1992
Lonely Hearts 1991
Indio 2 - La rivolta 1991
Under Surveillance 1991
The Grifters 1990
Maniac Cop 2 1990
Future Zone 1990
Dragonfight 1990
Miami Blues 1990
Ernest Goes to Jail 1990
L'ultima partita 1990
Cop Target 1990
Alien degli abissi 1989
One Man Force 1989
Hit List 1989
Married to the Mob 1988
Deep Space 1988
Kidnapped 1988
The Night Stalker 1986
Something Wild 1986
Camping del terrore 1986
Instant Justice 1986
The Cartier Affair 1984
Swing Shift 1984
China Lake 1983
Wacko 1982
Melvin and Howard 1980
The Blues Brothers 1980
Last Embrace 1979
Handle with Care 1977
Baa Baa, Black Sheep 1976
Supervixens 1975
The Seven Minutes 1971
Love and Kisses 1971