Critics score:
88 / 100

Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes

Vincent Canby, New York Times: It is so long (almost three hours) that it may finally bore the very action trade for which it was intended; yet it's just at that point of surface boredom that the movie aficionado will probably become entranced. Read more

Dave Kehr, Chicago Reader: You have to admire any film that casts Clint Eastwood opposite Richard Burton; the real violence is in the clash of acting styles. Read more

Time Out: It may be devoid of significance of any sort, but it is nevertheless passably entertaining, and certainly better viewing than most MacLean adaptations. Read more

Variety: Alistair MacLean wrote an original screenplay that was treated with respect for the writer's unusual abilities as a master of actionful suspense. The resulting film is highly entertaining, thrilling and rarely lets down for a moment. Read more