The Quiller Memorandum 1966

Critics score:
67 / 100

Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes

TIME Magazine: A B movie, never mind the big budget and the famous names, is exactly what Memorandum is. The plot is generally aimless, the lines are merely cute. Read more

New York Times: If you've got any spying to be done in Berlin, don't send George Segal to do the job. Or rather, don't send the pudding-headed fellow that Mr. Segal plays in "The Quiller Memorandum. Read more

Chris Petit, Time Out: Although the whole thing is ill-served by Michael Anderson's direction, it remains perversely likeable precisely because it is rather long-winded and enigmatic. Read more

Variety Staff, Variety: It relies on a straight narrative storyline, simple but holding, literate dialog and well-drawn characters. Read more