Critics score:
57 / 100

Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes

Mordaunt Hall, New York Times: A glamourous and romantic conception of the latter days of the life of the Dutch dancer and courtesan who was shot as a spy by the French in 1917. Read more

Dave Kehr, Chicago Reader: Greta Garbo tries to wheedle secrets out of Ramon Navarro and Lewis Stone in her most ludicrous film. Read more

Time Out: The film is Garbo's even before she appears on screen to dazzle her willing audience; once there, it becomes impossible to dissociate the legend of the star from the myth of Mata Hari. Read more

Variety Staff, Variety: Though Garbo is sexy and hot in a less subtle way this time, and though the plot goes about as far as it can in situation warmth, the story presents nothing sensational. Read more