Written at 22 Jun 2008 on 23:54
I'm looking to buy a few Silent Hill movie posters, can anyone help me? I can't seem to find any besides the girl with no mouth and the Welcome sign ones online, but I'm more interested in the monster posters, these specifically:
If anybody's got these or any others they're looking to get rid of, please let me know!
Written at 23 Jun 2008 on 00:41
they have not been printed, those were posters edited for internet only, theaters used just the girl with no mouth and the welcome sign
Written at 23 Jun 2008 on 00:52
Really? I've definitely seen the two monster ones on Ebay but maybe somebody was just printing out hi-res copies of it! Well, thanks for the info, maybe I should just follow their example! ;D
Written at 24 Jun 2008 on 10:45
as i said i have the teaser one ... girl walking in the grey dust .. with the big silent hill sign on there. j
Written at 26 Jun 2008 on 06:06
well as I said, if you are interested in clearing space I'd be totally willing to pay shipping and then some!
I'm moving to a new apartment soon and I really want to silent hill it out!
Written at 17 Nov 2008 on 11:46
I'm in Japan and just joined up - I have some very nice and quite rare Japanese promos and some from Thailand also - most of my collection, as well as the ones I sell (on ebay under the name kobesamurai) are standard Japanese CHIRASHI (26cm x19cm) - don't know if small ones like that are what you want.... contact me directly on samurai@gol.com any time if you think I can help.