General - Pisces Mulgogijari Posters...Posters??

meekimoo User

Written at 06 Jan 2012 on 19:55

I've come across this link here:

and I'd like to purchase some of these images as posters...but how can I? They aren't on moviepostershop--so, how am I supposed to obtain these?

They're listed as "Unset"--what does that mean?

I'd appreciate any insight or possible solutions--this is my favourite movie and I'd really like posters for it.
Komond Moderator

Written at 09 Jan 2012 on 14:11

If you want them as posters, not as jpg files, then we cannot do anything in this site, except some user would personally trade it to you because he casually have it. The site is not into selling posters.

The unset thing is just they are not set to any category (poster, cover...) due to those categories are not since the first times of the site, but is just an organizing thing.