Written at 06 Sep 2021 on 21:27
lmaq wrote:
Something is wrong in this adress.
May be your textless is repeated?
Thank you for the answer Imaq, at least someone deigns to answer.
This textless of mine has been deleted (https: //www.cinematerial.com/movies/venom-let-there-be-carnage-i7097896/p/0up3jm0v), because a new textless with better quality has been uploaded, ok I accept it even if it arrived later on my upload.
But why have these been accepted that they are of poor quality?
1) https://www.cinematerial.com/movies/wrath-of-man-i11083552/p/9w0o8dic (713 kb)
2) https://www.cinematerial.com/tv/the-walking-dead-i1520211 / p / fqvdghvr (197 kb)
3) https://www.cinematerial.com/movies/no-man-of-god-i13507778/p/znwxvjnh (585 kb)
4) https://www.cinematerial.com/movies/tides-i6506264/p/dddbqncj (518 kb)
5) https://www.cinematerial.com/movies/how-to-deter-a-robber-i9269988 / p / slibeqeu (866 kb).
There are many other low quality ones that have been approved and it doesn't seem fair to me that they accept medium / low quality textless, but I don't want to argue about the rules you set. Once upon a time we looked at quality, and even if textless were custom they were accepted, now not anymore. This is a regret, because one is committed to creating textless that does not exist for users, but since the commitment is quality it doesn't matter anymore, I will desist in uploading them or uploading elsewhere. It was a nice site where you could count on the quality of the images, custom or not, now I think it has gotten worse. this is just my opinion.