General - Why is moderation now so slow?

MacHammerFan Editor

Written at 27 Sep 2015 on 11:02

In the past, most of the days 10 posters were moderated. Now is this 3 or less. Nothing the last days. And users who uploaded later saw moderated their posters. Sometimes I have to wait nine days before a poster is moderated. Posters should be moderated chronologically. Honesty lasts. I guess this site needs more moderators? Or am I no longer wanted? Last month the number of moderated posters was the lowest since I started uploading posters as many as I can...😔
As a loyal member I am dispirited and disappointed.
MacHammerFan Editor

Written at 11 Oct 2015 on 20:46

This is obviously for the site Movieposterdatabase
MacHammerFan Editor

Written at 17 Oct 2015 on 11:11

Moderation is significantly faster here in comparison with Movieposterdatabase! 😎
micio684 User

Written at 30 Jan 2023 on 06:57

Problems with uploading?
My posters have been waiting for moderation for several days, is there a problem?
micio684 User

Written at 02 Apr 2023 on 07:52

Poster moderation is significantly very slow. Are there any problems?
micio684 User

Written at 07 Apr 2023 on 07:25

When one asks a question, one expects at least one answer from a responsible person.
I understand that some moderator took offense at my questions, and now no longer wants my posters posted. If anyone was offended, my apologies, that was not my intention. They were just questions to ask what are the reasons for these slowdowns.
If, on the other hand, there are other reasons and you no longer want me to upload my posters, just let me know with a simple reply.
micio684 User

Written at 19 Apr 2023 on 05:40

Good morning everyone.
But no moderator replies to forum posts?
It's been 9 days since I posted posters and they still haven't been moderated. Is there some problem or is it just a personal thing?
Thanks in advance for your reply, thank you
RoLe Moderator

Written at 19 Apr 2023 on 15:55

Hi micio684,

There are no personal problems at all with your uploads.
The reason why it takes so long is that you identify them as "Other" except for the texless.
Now that implies that we do have to research to see if it is a poster, a cover or a custom and that takes time witch we do not always time to do.
I know it has been a few days for your uploads but when moderators will have more time they will be looked at.
micio684 User

Written at 20 Apr 2023 on 16:16

Hello and thanks for the reply.
I understand the problem, but I always identify if it's a poster, textless, cover, or whatever, but maybe sometimes I forget. I do not identify the country of origin and perhaps this is the mistake. For the next uploads, I'll do better and also identify the country.
Thanks again for replying to my message

RoLe wrote:
Hi micio684,

There are no personal problems at all with your uploads.
The reason why it takes so long is that you identify them as "Other" except for the texless.
Now that implies that we do have to research to see if it is a poster, a cover or a custom and that takes time witch we do not always time to do.
I know it has been a few days for your uploads but when moderators will have more time they will be looked at.
micio684 User

Written at 08 May 2023 on 05:45

I tried various solutions to fix the problem but without success.
I identify my uploads as posters, and after a few days I've seen them change identification and become like "other", for no reason.
Dear moderation, can you find a solution to this problem?
Thank you
micio684 User

Written at 08 Apr 2024 on 20:01

I have tried all possible solutions in uploading posters, but the problem continues to occur. My posters uploaded and identified as posters, after a couple of days, identify themselves as "other".
The problem is not in the loading but it is a problem with the site.
I see many posters, identified as "cover", but which in reality are not. There is some confusion in the uploading system
micio684 User

Written at 03 Jun 2024 on 05:37

Is there a problem with moderation?
It seems slower and slower to me! minimum 4 days before they are approved, poster or textless
monroville User

Written at 02 Jul 2024 on 03:13 Edited at 02 Jul 2024 on 03:27

You're not alone. My oldest image right now dates to June 9th.