General - Editorial use only

Written at 09 Dec 2014 on 08:41
Sorry if this question doesn't belong here but was not sure where else to post this, I"m a video producer who has been asked to make a short promotional video for a small local cinema.
In this 1 minute video a very short animation appears which looks like that marvel intro ( and for this I bought a few movieposters from this site which have a "editorial use only" license which means they are not allowed for commercial use like printing them on a t-shirt and selling it further for a profit.
Only in my case it is used to promote the cinema itself where the films on the posters I used are being played.
Does anyone know if I am allowed to use these posters for this reason?
In this 1 minute video a very short animation appears which looks like that marvel intro ( and for this I bought a few movieposters from this site which have a "editorial use only" license which means they are not allowed for commercial use like printing them on a t-shirt and selling it further for a profit.
Only in my case it is used to promote the cinema itself where the films on the posters I used are being played.
Does anyone know if I am allowed to use these posters for this reason?

Written at 15 Dec 2014 on 13:15
Thx for the answer, it was also suggested to me that it might depend on a possible contractual "promotional material" use clause the cinema owner has with the distributors but I decided it is was not worth the hassle as it was only a 3 second clip so I just used frames from the promovideo I shot instead.