General - Why aren't uploads moderated chronologically?

Written at 13 Nov 2014 on 15:52
First, I wish to thank the moderators for their efforts in augustus and september. Then I was able to upload nearly 1500 posters/a month.
Now this had dropped significantly. I notice that the posters that are uploaded first sometimes are moderated later than others. If nearly all posters are moderated and I upload 10 posters, I have to wait longer.
Isn't it possible to moderate posters chronologically? (first uploads = first moderated)
That would be cool.😎
Now this had dropped significantly. I notice that the posters that are uploaded first sometimes are moderated later than others. If nearly all posters are moderated and I upload 10 posters, I have to wait longer.
Isn't it possible to moderate posters chronologically? (first uploads = first moderated)
That would be cool.😎

Written at 19 Dec 2014 on 11:32
Actually, i posted posters 5 days ago and they are still pending 😕. I don't really understand the "system"