Development - Poster sizes (27x41, 30x40, 40x60)

Carlito Written at 05 Feb 2013 on 01:27
Written at 05 Feb 2013 on 01:27
I have a question about poster sizes...

If you upload 3 posters 27x41, 30x40 and 40x60 posters with the same artwork, will all 3 sizes be approved?

lmaq Written at 05 Feb 2013 on 10:58
Written at 05 Feb 2013 on 10:58
This a similar ratio. If the poster is the same, I think no.
Carlito Written at 05 Feb 2013 on 11:43
Written at 05 Feb 2013 on 11:43
27x41 is a standard size one sheet
30x40 is a bit wider
40x60 is larger than both

The text on the border of each size is different and I'm sure when you're looking for a specific size, it's important for the site to have them all.

Also, I think a decision needs to be made on what is accepted as sometimes different sizes are accepted and sometimes they are not accepted (Referring to my uploads).
Pure Written at 05 Feb 2013 on 13:50
Written at 05 Feb 2013 on 13:50
Yeah sometimes your uploads are in higher quality than the posters uploaded, sometimes not. And there isn't much difference between some, so no need to fill the site with posters that differ by say 100-200pixels, regardless of the ratio.

In my opinion, the fewer the better, but if it's something really different it won't be a problem, while I don't see much point to uploading very similar posters. Same goes for the newest movies - 10000 variations of the same cover or poster is just useless.
Carlito Written at 05 Feb 2013 on 23:12
Written at 05 Feb 2013 on 23:12
The problem that I've seen many times is consistency, sometimes they're accepted, sometimes they're not...I guess it varies between mods.

All I'm asking for is some consistency.

When I upload a poster, I leave it to the mods to decide what is accepted and was is not. This is why I posted this, to see what you guys thought.

btw, the mods do a wonderful job as I'm sure it's not an easy job to moderate this site and the hundreds of posters uploaded daily.

Thank you
Pure Written at 05 Feb 2013 on 23:18
Written at 05 Feb 2013 on 23:18
You're most welcome and it's nice to see someone appreciating our efforts.

As far as consistency goes, I'm afraid it varies from poster to poster, movie to movie. Usually you check your uploads which is excellent and we very rarely have to see if the poster exists or if there's an almost similar poster next to it. And you're adding classic movies which is a nice change from all the crap that recent movies bring. They didn't have campaigns of 10000 posters in so many useless sizes 😄

So thank you 😄