Development - New poster marks

Komond Moderator

Written at 20 May 2008 on 22:15

Once I talked with jayef about it and think he told you, about marking covers. Well, I thought that it could be interesting to have some other marks:

-The custom one (already done)
-Covers (no difference between dvds, covers or videogame covers based on movies, just to know which ones are official promotion but no posters)
-Clear poster
-Title/Logo mark

I usually found that custom mark only appears if all posters inside are customs, which is a good think, and would be with covers too (as poster/cover usually are same version), but I guess the good thing with "clear posters" would be to know if there is at least one clear poster inside a group just looking the main movie page, to see easily which version we have a clear one.

About Cover and Custom marks, it should be good to be able to don't show them marking it on Dashboard (as we can only show one country or above a quality). Some people could prefer to only see truly posters.

Well, just a thought, we could talk about some other related things about marking and know some others thoughts.

Sorry, we ask you for too much
Martin Owner

Written at 21 May 2008 on 20:45

this is definitely a good idea and jayef and I have actually talked about it in the past, we've always wanted to create it one day. I guess the first thing would be for me to make you moderators able to flag posters as 1 of the following:
* poster
* cover
* custom
* clear
* title/logo
I don't know if customs should be a category like the others, cause there are custom covers and custom posters right? So would a poster belong to ONE category, or can it belong to more than one?

We can think of the way it is displayed on the page later (I like your ideas though). One thing that pops up in my mind now is that visitors should be able to filter posters of 1 movie by language, type, resolution or a combination of those.

BTW, suggesting ideas is never asking for too much . It's always nice to think of ways to improve the site.
Komond Moderator

Written at 21 May 2008 on 22:15

Well, there should be then two kinds of customs, but really... what is the difference between custom posters and custom covers? As they are both not official designs, as there is not an original to compare (they are just images, but posters are a digitalization of a poster or the original image sent to print it, and dvds a digitalization from a dvd) the only difference would be if the maker put a DVD logo or the credits...and not even all posters have credits, and not all dvds have dvd logos... so difference is not that important.

But well, now I have realised that happens with the most common customs we receive... those anyone can do at house. There is another kind of "professional" custom, those bootlegs and illegal posters (like this one, sold as original being really a false one):

But those are not the most part we finally had.

Bearing all this in mind... maybe we should do this:

-Custom (fan design, dvd/poster as this is chosen by fan in the last moment...)
-Bootleg (not official/illegal printed poster design)

Custom will still be customs, and we only would like to have those great ones (even non of them), but bootlegs would be always posters, and they are in some kind of way interesting, so we would like all of them as they form part of the movie-history. I didn't mention those as they are just a few of customs we could have.
Komond Moderator

Written at 02 Jun 2008 on 20:01

Well, I was thinking that, as we have so many characters for 3D movie posters, and sure we have some any other thing that don't match with any of those we talked about, it's allways nice to have one called "Others", I guess.
Steinninn User

Written at 03 Jun 2008 on 04:48

What does Clear mean?

And it would be nice to have a clear way for regular users to tag posters as custom. I know it's in the forum, but it would be nice if there would be a category for it in the currections page.
Komond Moderator

Written at 03 Jun 2008 on 07:31

Clear...textless, just the picture.

About users marking customs... I guess then we should have at least some kind of control of it, huh? Aproving marks or something. I don't know what jayef of martin think, but I guess is something we should better have a control.
jayef User

Written at 03 Jun 2008 on 21:49

i think custom and bootlegs should be the same category, i wouldnt make too many differente categories! but i agree with the categories you mentioned above komond!
Martin Owner

Written at 27 Jun 2008 on 18:29

OK mods can set a poster category/type now. For others it's not visible on the site yet, but that shouldn't take to long.

Few questions:
-What about UK quads and other formats?
-Should I set ALL images as being a poster right now, or leave 'em as 'Unset'? If all are called posters automatically, there will be a lot of wrong information on the site, since a lot of those automatically-called posters would actually be DVD-covers...I personally think 'Unset' status would be better.
Komond Moderator

Written at 27 Jun 2008 on 18:44

I guess the unset will be better as there would take a long to mark correctly. At least unset it's the truth, no one marked them, so it could be anything.

About UK quads... I don't know, but you mean to have a mark instead of poster something like "one sheet" "three sheet" "Japanese B2" "UK quad"...?

Well, that will be ok, but maybe instead of a mark there should be another thing, an information added to posters:

-Size: ..."x..."
-Type: UK Quad...Three Sheet...Window card...
-Year of the poster (as usually in classics they are re-release

But maybe that's better with another system.
Komond Moderator

Written at 27 Jun 2008 on 18:50

Wow, it's amazing, and so quick way to select what a poster is. The new headquartes is cool too.

One question... what promos are supposed to be exactly?

Thx for the system Martin, didn't you just do it, you have done it the best way
Martin Owner

Written at 27 Jun 2008 on 19:00

Hehe thanks Komond
I did choose the Unset-way indeed. Categories are also shown on all posterframes now.
Promo's I'm not sure, lol...Gonna discuss that with jayef first.

And forget about the UK-quad thing for now
Komond Moderator

Written at 27 Jun 2008 on 19:03

Ok, there's no hurry with UK and that, it was just because you asked I have just looked now the little icon of categories, it looks great, even better that I've imagined. I think I know now what promos are, as I was random marking posters, and a Lost Promo appears. We have lots of promo pictures for TV-Series, and some Promo pictures are used to make the poster, not being exactly a Textless as the design wasn't made yet. I guess, jayef will tell us exactly

Thx again
Martin Owner

Written at 27 Jun 2008 on 19:09

Yeah that is the difficulty about promos. The site says they're not really allowed but still we got a lot of them (especially for TV-series indeed and for animated movies). I thought about allowing promos on the future stills database, but I don't think that'd work.

I guess we should either allow ALL promos, or NONE...But indeed jayef will tell us
Komond Moderator

Written at 27 Jun 2008 on 19:15

Well, for TV-shows the thing is that the really have no posters, most of them, so it seems a bit anything is ok. With movies... promos are right when they are the base promo of a poster:


It's not textless, it's no poster, and is a nice collector's image for anyone interested only in posters, cause it's the image used for making one. For other promos... I have no problem refusing them.
Martin Owner

Written at 27 Jun 2008 on 19:27

Yeah I saw it once...This one is indeed not a problem
Komond Moderator

Written at 28 Jun 2008 on 12:07

Hey, I have a doubt, can only mods select the postertype or anyone cans?
Martin Owner

Written at 28 Jun 2008 on 12:41

Right now, only moderators...
Komond Moderator

Written at 28 Jun 2008 on 23:57

I continue the thing on shoutbox:

Well, was just saying that, even thinking that there are some groups that share posters, covers, textless (those can't be an own group), when all posters in a group are the same thing, then the whole group should have that mark. Before this, when one custom was marked the group looked the same, but if all of them were marked the whole group was. Some designs are only made for DVD, so the group could have a cover mark. That should ignore textless as they can be in any poster or cover and wouldn't make the group different.

And another thing, the fact that they are shown by date of upload and with all marks make it a bit messy. Now with those marks, could it be look something like this? What do you think? This could be a group page:

The New World

GroupID: 149fc7df
6 versions of this poster



jayef User

Written at 29 Jun 2008 on 01:08

yea very nice ... but martin, i think new uploads should still have a dropdown there the category can be set.
Komond Moderator

Written at 29 Jun 2008 on 01:56

Yeah, that's true, there should be a way of setting the category when uploading. I was sure he would do it, but it's the first day of the system.

Other thing, a tool for massive movie marking would be nice. I mean...there could be some way for setting manually by ourselves all unset to poster for one movie and then change them one by one? But not all database. That way when we wanted to set a movie, we could set all as posters (with knowledge of it) and just change in that moment those that aren't. It's not like setting all database with poster and we wouldn't never know which ones weren't set correctly, we could have thousands of wrongly marked posters for years.

The work would be less, as we wouldn't set 170000 or 140000 groups, but 37932 movies, and we could work setting movie by movie.

I'm just trying to find the best way to do it correctly, quicker, and the best results.